Posts Tagged ‘Turn it to God’
Clean up the slate
Tomorrow shall come; the aftermath of the past
Yesterday was present in all that has breath today
It came with all it had; a box of gifts or a cache of grief
Some packages came suitably as soothing cushion or balm
Others were hurled as bricks; tearing down everything on its path.
When goodness took up residence, we felt shielded like warmth in wintery weather
We laughed at the tickle; the profound joy that it brought
Celebrated the successes; endeavours wearing the crown of victory
We cheered and clinked glasses to continuity; an endless stream of happiness
We danced to the beat of triumph, in hard and freestyle fashion.
When pain thrived, it wreaked hopes and goals
We bled of tears; saddened by the disappointment that rubbed in
Expectations were torn apart, lost in the tsunami of failure
Emptiness overwhelmed the atmosphere; a vacuum like utter silence reigned
In disbelieve we mourned our fate, the seeming end of a dream.
Yesterday is past and today is here; the triangle of life is pending until tomorrow is born
Waiting in the wings; the arrival of a new day, a fresh hope, another chance
Like yesterday and today, tomorrow shall bring forth another package
Either the chances to laugh, cheer and dance, or suck in the bricks of pain and tears
Beside God, tomorrow is unclear; hidden in the womb of the unknown
Do not contaminate tomorrow with the filth of yesterday
To pour new wine into old wineskins is a warm-over of the old order; “…the
skins will burst, the wine will spill and the wineskins will be ruined†(Matthew 9:17) Â
Today is a time to wipe the slate of old; the period of new beginning
An opportunity to retry or start afresh; to take a better shot at your dream
It is a time to refrain, amend, correct; straighten the crooked path
Cash in on today; the negotiating chip between the past and future
Seek the ever-present help (Psalm 46:1); access your destination via a novel route
Jettison the ways of yesterday; ask for a new song, place your trust in God
Try a potent partner; He that offers you the strength to do ALL things (Philippians 4:13)
Clean up the slate; wipe off the dirt and start anew.
                                                                               Victor & Jolomi Awani (01-01-2011)
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