Posts Tagged ‘Give a hand’
Living by giving
Giving shares a lifeÂ
Depriving self of the whole to keep a piece
Passing-on what the flesh yearn to retain
An act that subtract at dusk
A sacrifice rewarding at dawn
Giving spreads love
Dispersing boundless care for others
Generosity amidst personal craving
Blind to the failings of greed and egotism
Bridging boundaries of lack and plenty
Giving brings health to the body
Like a convivial alley of bliss
A soothing wind that caress the soul
Drawing strength from the lifted life of another
We power on bloated by the joy we extend
Giving is an exercise in goodness
A need creates the burden to share
Prompted by a facilitator on His throne
The giver touches a receiver
A glorious life we live when we give
                                                        - In His grip,
                                                  Victor S. Awani
[Translate]The Futility of Self
The commonality of existence was the basis of creation. The intention of God the forerunner of life is that all his creation
lives off one another. Nothing was made to subsist in seclusion. The seven days of creation reflect the endless mind of God.
The book of Genesis 1:1-28 presents the naked evidence of His plan. A timeless mind that lay bare in scriptures.
His concepts were paired and man was granted the heavenly grace to multiply. The creation of heaven and earth, day and
night, dry land and seas, man and woman…. “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them…And God blessed them, and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish
the earth…â€
If the heart of his maker is unlocked why then does man glory in self living within his own borders? Caged in the prison of
his mind he promotes selfishness as though his life depends on it. Withdrawn into a broken shell man trudges along
oblivious of how vulnerable he is without God’s wrap.
The needs of man are insatiable yet he strives with self and the world desperate to meet his vain desires. Miserable on
every side and mounting blocks of forlorn hope he waits endlessly for that day when his appetite will overflow
with satisfaction.
Squeezing water from stone man grapples with the effort to sojourn through life standing only on the land he owns. The
world to him is an island that should be traversed in isolation. He abhors walking the walk holding hands with others
intent on savouring the glory all by himself. Against the flow of our penny-pinching thoughts all lands are linked and
those possessed by others begin where our own ends. In life’s journey we unavoidably need ourselves; although
within lawful and moral limits.
God advances the spirit of coexistence and good neighbourliness. The Word of God in Mark 12:31 admonish us to love our
neighbour as ourselves. The concept of fairness and reciprocity as a principle of human cohesion is emphasised by Jesus
Christ in Luke 6:31 saying: “Do to others as you would have them do to youâ€. In Galatians 6:10 Apostle Paul wrote: “As
you therefore have opportunity let us do good to all men especially unto them who are of the household of faithâ€.
The all-knowing father and author of heaven and earth acknowledges our frailties and limitations as mortal beings.
It isn’t His intention that man should go the full hug alone. We weren’t created to do so and it is simply fruitless
and miserable trying to thread that path.
If self-sufficiency is measured by our earthly possession then King Solomon should have had nothing to do with his
unhappy ending. He kept a large retinue of servants – 1 Kings 11:13 also accounts that he had seven hundred wives and
three hundred concubines. Clearly he had so much going for him to last several lifetimes.
“And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen… And Solomon
reigned over all kingdoms from the river unto the land of the Philistines, and unto the border of Egypt. ” I Kings 4:26 & 21
It is instructive that King Solomon in all his opulence and clout relied on servants to get by each day. Why would such a
high net-worth King need such “lowly†people? In Ecclesiastes 2:7-8 the king wrote: “I acquired male and female
servants, and had servants born in my house. Yes I had greater possessions of herds and flocks than all who were in
Jerusalem before me.â€
The Bible accounts in Mark 12:41-44 of the widow who gave so little and yet gave her all. It is pertinent to reflect and
draw a lesson from this.  What is the value of the widow’s mite compared to the usually celebrated display of the high
and wealthy? The Lord has taught us among other lessons that we all count in the sequence of life. Pointedly, ninety-nine
pence isn’t one pound until one penny is added.
Self is personal and pay allegiance to its own narrow ends; greedy and lonely it is a catalyst for misery. Ready to receive
yet afraid to share with others the self-seeking lives in perpetual thirst worrying that the Atlantic Ocean will run dry.
Amidst the ceaseless flow of the river, water is despised for spittle.
In the order of Cain the selfish is canal and covetous. Deceptive, misguided and deluded he pretends to be clothed yet
naked under the glare of daylight. Foolhardiness robust and flaunted the vision of self is stunted and does not transcend
the nostrils. The length of its time is dwarfed by time itself.
The urge to satisfy a need at the expense of anything is as lethal as wickedness driven by self and greed. Ultimately
weighed down by the cry of Abel (Genesis 4:10) self is ingloriously consigned to the bottom of the Esau ladder
(Genesis 25:29-34).
Get over and live beyond yourself. To go the distance assuredly you need those who look up to you as much as those you
look up to. Man was not made for himself but that through him others will find a reason to cling on. This is the
opportunity, now is the moment; at the cessation of breath both chance and time are lost forever.
                                                    In His grip,                       Â
                                                                  Victor & Jolomi Awani (22-03-2012)
[Translate]Giving to receive
Still suckling, I swopped intermittently between crawling and walking
Stood on my little thin legs; quivering as I moved
A forlorn hope I thought, sustaining the quest for mobility;
until my tiny hands reached out in support to another’s tiny hand,
And together, leaning side by side we staggered along;
finding strength to go the distance.
Enrolled into what was called school; to give dad and mom a break
With crayon I scribbled everything, yet nothing made sense
Sharing my colours with Emmanuel – my classmate; call him playmate
I returned to school next day; my crayon somewhere under the sofa at home
Yet I made the day’s mess painting with crayon
Filling the gap was Emmanuel; because he shared his crayon with me.
Aged ten and spending quality time for God,
I travelled within the community with Reverend Father Donning – an Irish priest;
as an ‘altar boy’, serving at 5.30am celebration of the Eucharist mass.
The fear of God was ingrained; it found an early root in the recesses of the heart
Although the emerging stem was shaken and beaten by the turbulent wind of the world;
cut down severally by the double edged blade of vices, the root lived on as I sojourned.
Today’s tree is the consequence of an undying root
Simple as it seemed, the lifespan of a crayon diminish each time it is used
For a ten year old, Eucharistic mass at 5.30am meant the loss of sleep
To give or share is sacrificial; it entails parting with something – tangible or intangible
Giving without a premeditated reward, brings a related benefit down the road
Often unforeseen, it is the catalyst for finding help in your time of need
It presents as a seed waiting for harvest; an assurance policy that matures in due time
The giver receives because God remembers and responds.
                                                                                             Victor Sisan Awani (01-01-2011)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2011 Victor Awani
A miracle on hold
You are a miracle; yes a miracle on hold. Acknowledge yourself and appreciate how blessed you
 are; speak and live your true value. Hurting as the world may seem, you are the hope of
someone. Bleak as it all appears, you hold the key to unchain another’s destiny. Look ahead
 of you; wandering down the road is someone waiting to be blessed, to be blessed by you.
A candle dimmed by the dark cloud of life; yet light to the tunnel of the neighbour next door.
 Look over your shoulder, take a demanding and realistic look, x-ray the four ends of the
 earth and give a dispassionate glance at the mirror; staring at you is a revelation waiting to be
discovered. Look the other way, lurking around not too distant is someone waiting to be
blessed; to be blessed by you.
  Loneliness reign and hover above, and emptiness like a rolling stone thunders down, a loved
 one gone forever; blown afar by the irreplaceable loss that is the end. Anguish and misery
 pervades the air; the atmosphere overwhelmed with helplessness, yet hopeful in a continent
 not long away is a thirsty mouth yearning to drink from your well of fresh water. Take a
 close look, standing assuredly is someone waiting to be blessed; to be blessed by you.
  A cherished union gone sour; the Judge’s gavel slam on the desk of divorce, and the pang of
 separation slice through the heart. Endless beads of salty water pour from the fountain of
 sight; the hurt no one can fathom. Turn the other way for in the vicinity is someone that
 holds you as favoured, saved from a vow that should never had been; someone waiting to be
 blessed, to be blessed by you.
  Distinct and wonderfully made, potentials untapped scramble for space within. Embrace
 the fullness of yourself; celebrate the gift that you carry. Challenges thrive daily and the
 rocks from the sling fly across the board; from the exalted throne at Vatican to Bill of the
 Gates clan, living spreads a fair share of bruises. Trip to the sick room or walk the breezy
 terrain of a cemetery; a leveller is none other than life. Look behind you, hopeful is someone
 waiting to be blessed; to be blessed by you.
 You are a miracle; yes a miracle on hold. Endowed with loads of blessings priceless and
 beneficial to many; prospects either unknown or underutilised lay ravaged in a field
 unexplored. Spread your gift, the little in your hand share. Successes or travails, touch and
 change a life with your story. Your morsel is a chunk to another; a penny from your
 pound is a lifeline to a human being somewhere. Unlock your blessings; be a vessel of joy to
 the heavy laden and poor. Like an orphan supporting a Orphanage, emphasise your God
 given value and overcome the limitation of challenges. Liberate yourself from yourself;
 refuse to be made worthless by your thoughts and fears. Look everywhere, there’s someone
 waiting to be blessed; to be blessed by you.
                                                       - Victor & Jolomi Awani (16-11-2010)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Victor Awani
Outstretch your hand
A folded hand;Â hands closed and tucked away
Bereft of empathy, devoid of moral concern
Contempt for the needy, a scorn at their toil and groan
Conceals life, a dreadful denial of bread and sustenance.
Help deprived, expectation blown into oblivion
Ocean buried beneath ground; not one drop to wet the lip
Happiness withheld; indifference to the pangs of hunger
Scorched bowels squeal for attention; the absence of a meal.
Outstretch your hand; break the yoke, restore a lifeÂ
Release the lock; salvage a neighbour drowning in the sea of lack
Key into a pain and wipe the tear; give a portion and munch the rest
By His grace you received, freely give just as you were given.
Outstretch your hand; unfold it, lighten a burdenÂ
Hold back nothing; give a hand with gladness
Be a conduit for survival; waste no chance at conferring hope
AÂ giver receives more (Acts 20:35); a gift opens the way
Bless the poor, you will lack nothing; the reward spans eternity
Outstretch your hand; give life a sense.
                    –  In His Grip,
                      Victor Sisan Awani (29/09/2010)
  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Victor Awani
Giving a lease of life
No man had a choice in his creation by God, therefore, lets show empathy for the down trodden.
Nothing endures the test of time like the testimony of a grateful heart; a man rescued from the clutches of hopelessness and death.
Nothing propels the greatest satisfaction than instilling a smile on the lips of the hungry; giving a reassuring bounce to a weary heart; changing tear drops to showers of joy.
Nothing conveys the love of Christ like standing in the gap; giving a hand and sharing, eating a handful mindful that your neighbour may need a teaspoonful to get by for the day; displaying neighbourly attitude.
Nothing shall separate the fed and unfed, the privileged from the unpriviledged when the trumpet sounds. Therefore, lets proceed doing good; certain that no one is left behind; giving the trampled a lease of life; serving hope on the dinner table.