A miracle on hold
You are a miracle; yes a miracle on hold. Acknowledge yourself and appreciate how blessed you
 are; speak and live your true value. Hurting as the world may seem, you are the hope of
someone. Bleak as it all appears, you hold the key to unchain another’s destiny. Look ahead
 of you; wandering down the road is someone waiting to be blessed, to be blessed by you.
A candle dimmed by the dark cloud of life; yet light to the tunnel of the neighbour next door.
 Look over your shoulder, take a demanding and realistic look, x-ray the four ends of the
 earth and give a dispassionate glance at the mirror; staring at you is a revelation waiting to be
discovered. Look the other way, lurking around not too distant is someone waiting to be
blessed; to be blessed by you.
  Loneliness reign and hover above, and emptiness like a rolling stone thunders down, a loved
 one gone forever; blown afar by the irreplaceable loss that is the end. Anguish and misery
 pervades the air; the atmosphere overwhelmed with helplessness, yet hopeful in a continent
 not long away is a thirsty mouth yearning to drink from your well of fresh water. Take a
 close look, standing assuredly is someone waiting to be blessed; to be blessed by you.
  A cherished union gone sour; the Judge’s gavel slam on the desk of divorce, and the pang of
 separation slice through the heart. Endless beads of salty water pour from the fountain of
 sight; the hurt no one can fathom. Turn the other way for in the vicinity is someone that
 holds you as favoured, saved from a vow that should never had been; someone waiting to be
 blessed, to be blessed by you.
  Distinct and wonderfully made, potentials untapped scramble for space within. Embrace
 the fullness of yourself; celebrate the gift that you carry. Challenges thrive daily and the
 rocks from the sling fly across the board; from the exalted throne at Vatican to Bill of the
 Gates clan, living spreads a fair share of bruises. Trip to the sick room or walk the breezy
 terrain of a cemetery; a leveller is none other than life. Look behind you, hopeful is someone
 waiting to be blessed; to be blessed by you.
 You are a miracle; yes a miracle on hold. Endowed with loads of blessings priceless and
 beneficial to many; prospects either unknown or underutilised lay ravaged in a field
 unexplored. Spread your gift, the little in your hand share. Successes or travails, touch and
 change a life with your story. Your morsel is a chunk to another; a penny from your
 pound is a lifeline to a human being somewhere. Unlock your blessings; be a vessel of joy to
 the heavy laden and poor. Like an orphan supporting a Orphanage, emphasise your God
 given value and overcome the limitation of challenges. Liberate yourself from yourself;
 refuse to be made worthless by your thoughts and fears. Look everywhere, there’s someone
 waiting to be blessed; to be blessed by you.
                                                       - Victor & Jolomi Awani (16-11-2010)
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