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March 2025
Today’s Bible Verse 09.03.2025
Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek. Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. — Psalm 27:7-9a (KJV)
Bible Reading Plan

Get Over T-GEM

T-GEM is the acronym for Timidity and Green-Eyed Monster. From a non-faith perspective both are distinct and unconnected. One portrays an inherent limitation in a person, and the other is bitterness aimed at another without good reason. While one could be congenital, the other is a condition that flourish only if enabled. The online define timidity as “lacking in self-assurance, courage …characterised by or indicating fear.” On the other hand, green-eyed monster refer to “resentment against a rival…another’s advantage…or mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry…”


Considered from a christian narrative they derive one from the other and together thrive as deep-seated spiritual defect. Aptly put, green-eyed monster is a product of timidity and would not blossom unless watered by the latter. The bible is replete with escapades of timidity, its hallmarks being low self esteem and image crises, discontentment, greed, competition and strife, among others.


As said in Genesis 4:9 we can also proceed to ask Cain “Where is your brother Abel?” Regarded with intense dislike and killed for no more than his good-natured disposition, respect for godly values, and a reciprocal love by God; a favour that the carnal persona of Cain found impossible to live with.


The story of Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 37:1-36) present a ready example. Loathed and hated for Jacob their father’s unsolicited love for him, Joseph enjoyed a goodwill that aroused the bitterness of his siblings to contemplate his murder and ultimately sold him into slavery.


Due to David’s military prowess in 1 Samuel 18:1-30,19 he became the target of Saul’s fearful and bitter trait with deft attempts to put him in harm’s way. Notwithstanding his status as King, Saul earmarked his lowly placed subject for death because he could not stand the accolades showered on David for his bravery and victories on the battlefield.


The life story of Jesus epitomises the subject under review. The biblical sequence starting with the insecurities and rage of King Herod at the birth of Jesus (Matthew 2:1-18), the many challenges, denials and accusations that lined his path, to his arrest, sentencing and crucifixion is summed up by the concern of Pontius Pilate in Mark 15:10 “For he knew that the chief priests had handed Him over because of envy.”


The vile spirit of T-GEM is timeless and transcends religious, social and economic attributes. Anyone irrespective of status; christian or non-christian, king or commoner, bishop or deacon, have or have-not, can constitute its breeding belt or repository. It is a level playing non-discriminatory vice that entrenches itself and overwhelm those whose heart it calls home.


It is tragic for anyone to be a carrier of T-GEM. It has the propensity to imprison and rob one of liberty and real happiness; it is inimical to love and harmonious coexistence especially with those the object of its venom, and is a barrier to sincere relationship with God. The good news though is however engrossed T-GEM may be it is surmountable.


Purging this contrary spirit demands practical adjustment to your thought patterns. There is need to take pride in yourself and be grateful for whom God has uniquely made you. No one is created or known to be all things at any given time. Emphasise the good in others as much as you do the good in yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate your wins and gains; and accommodate your failures and losses. As you count and glory in your blessings accept that others deserve the equal and fair chance to their own blessings. Recognise that where you won others may have lost and embrace the possibility that others might win where you do not succeed. 


Genuine change begins with an honest resolve. It also would require humility to get off your high horse. More important is to seek the help of God without which all effort at newness is predisposed to fail.

                                      -       In His Grip

                                              Victor Sisan Awani (18/10/2014)

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