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August 2013
Today’s Bible Verse 21.12.2024
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. — Psalm 8:3-5 (KJV)
Bible Reading Plan

Archive for August 2013

Release your gift

There’s none bereft of gifting and value;

the blessings embedded at creation,

when a formless mass metamorphosed,

into suckling heartbeats of innocence.


Virtuous attributes like dew abound;

in His image every one with a measure,

ignorant all lay dormant pending activation,

to grease with good the wheels of life.


Humanity bleeds of drought and relapse;

consumed by the tempest of vices,

plagues crafted with creepy hands of the heart,

a crippling drift from the provision of God. 


Depravity amidst plenty active and bold;

heavenly virtues congealed and fusty,

nothing to douse the hellhole of evil unleashed,

as man and host grapple to define the union.


Confined in the dark of ignorance we lament;

electing to live the lows that we conceive,

downbeats the mind embraces with ease,

deliberate or oblivious the best in chains and mute.


Be not weaned off the grace from above;

creative goodness streaming in the vein,

plonk iniquity and flaccidness to the skip car,

lounging is a soul fulfilling heavenly destiny.


                             In His Grip,

                             Victor Sisan Awani
