Archive for February 2011
Cast not thyself down
God at work, man a replicate He made
Condition of rest an inglorious exit took
Life as taser gun sending waves of shock to crush
Tranquillity gone, neither crafter nor crafted know
Peace corrupted by sin; the absence of rest we contend.
Lost it has many, the balance unable to keep
Subdued and worn-out everywhere is found
Failure of love, disappointment of hope; betrayal of trust
Economy in anguish; a pile and litter of bills
Final notice through the letter hole threaten
The emissary of death; redundancy plays host.
Painfully from life they stride off
Wearied and tired, from earth they clock out
Yanked away; hope spiral into oblivion
In the rail track or cliff the grief trails
A dream shredded, resident below ground forever
Greater grief when hell’s gate beckons a welcome.
Cast not thyself down
Though the devil calls, the deceitful lip shun
The entreaty pleasant may seem, destruction lurks
Claws hidden hanker for blood innocently shed
Resist and flee but your ground hold
Get thee behind me; with faith command.
Wait, wait, wait, and cling on
Strength renewed the dawn bring
A new day from night depart
With grace joy like sun rise
Prowling the evil master wander
A leap from the pinnacle on sale; suicide embellished
Like Jesus; refuse, reject, rebuke
Cast not thyself down.
                                             Victor & Jolomi Awani (27/02/2011)
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