Archive for February 2010
God’s kind of love
Also called agape love, this is love from the Godly perspective. True
brotherly, neighbourly and unfailing love as conceived by God. It is love
devoid of worldly desires, greed, and lust of the flesh. The unconditional
affection that transcends the limitation of race, national boundaries,
religion, colour, earthly status or attainments, and physical disposition.
Agape love is the selfless and sacrificial love exemplified by God through
the giving of His only begotten son – Jesus Christ who although sinless died
for the transgressions of mankind; thus guaranteeing our redemption. In 2
Cor. 5:21 the Bible tells us that “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for
us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”
The world would be a better place if man could simply love his fellow man
God’s way. Our Lord Jesus christ said to His disciples, “my command is this:
love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that
he lay down his life for his friends” -Â John 15:12-13.
                                       – With agape love, Jolomi O. Awani (24/02/2010)
  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Victor Awani
Grass to grace
Given the seeming tribulations and evil that hold sway in the world today, the tendency is
for us to see, hear and feel nothing but  problems, impossibilities, difficulties or obstacles.
Every twist and turn we make through the pathway of life, is like chewing gravel for
dinner as confusion and discouragement takes centre stage.
In the midst of this obvious mountains, success stories abound. Victory songs emit even
from the crushing weight of difficulties. Those whose faith has remained aflame seeking
righteousness and doing good have had their steps ordered by the Lord. These ones who
have kept the faith and stayed focused on their plan as handed down from above have seen
difficulties transmit into opportunities; their trials and tribulations taken through God’s
milling process, and refined for His glory.
Our challenges afford us the opportunity to transform; learning and leaping into greater
and better beings. With every step down the complex road, we grow in wisdom and
experience the power and grace of the Almighty in the face of our trials, failures, pain, or
suffering. Our faith comes alight, aglow and illuminating the dark tunnels of our life. As a
fellow soldier in the Lord’s vineyard puts it, “the devil is not as smart or powerful as he
appears; and we have a great and All-Mighty God who has a way of using our enemy’s silly
tactics for the building up of His Great Kingdom.â€
To become a beneficiary of His grace of restoration, you must let go of the straws that you
clutch unto and repose your trust solely on God. No challenge is too small to be ignored by
God; no problem is too big for Him to crack. When God steps in, He turns a pressing needÂ
into a great deed; problems beget promises of peace and abundance, and challenges are
altered as vessels of celebration. For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight
for you against your enemies, to save you – Deut.20:4
                                                                                              – With God’s love, Team Lifeseeds.
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Victor Awani
Giving a lease of life
No man had a choice in his creation by God, therefore, lets show empathy for the down trodden.
Nothing endures the test of time like the testimony of a grateful heart; a man rescued from the clutches of hopelessness and death.
Nothing propels the greatest satisfaction than instilling a smile on the lips of the hungry; giving a reassuring bounce to a weary heart; changing tear drops to showers of joy.
Nothing conveys the love of Christ like standing in the gap; giving a hand and sharing, eating a handful mindful that your neighbour may need a teaspoonful to get by for the day; displaying neighbourly attitude.
Nothing shall separate the fed and unfed, the privileged from the unpriviledged when the trumpet sounds. Therefore, lets proceed doing good; certain that no one is left behind; giving the trampled a lease of life; serving hope on the dinner table.